Cook for 8 minutes on medium heat in a heavy sauce pan, stirring constantly.  (To about 225 degrees)


       2 cups granulated sugar

       ¾ cup evaporated milk

       1 cup marshmallow cream or equivalent marshmallows


Pour cooked mixture over:


       1 - 6 oz pkg chips - chocolate, butterscotch, white choc., etc.

       ½ cup (1 cube) butter *

       1 tsp vanilla or other flavoring **

       1 cup chopped nuts ***


Stir until combined and pour into greased 9” square pan. I’ve been pouring my mixture into the pan lined with plastic wrap and allowing the mixture to cool in the fridge till just set, removing from fridge and cutting into squares & returning to fridge.


* reserve ½ tsp butter to grease pan


** Gran Marnier, triple sec, maple (with butterscotch). Kahlua, etc.


*** walnuts, pecans, almonds, cashews, cherries, craisins, etc.