2 cups milk

6 egg yolks

1 cup vanilla sugar

1/4 cup flour


Bring milk to boil.  Mix eggs, sugar and flour in mixer till it forms a ribbon.  Take half of milk and add to yolk mixture.  Add mixture back to remaining milk in saucepan.  Stirring constantly, cook over high heat to thicken--do not scorch.  Continue to cook on low heat to cook out flour.  When smooth like custard, remove from heat, spread waxed paper on surface of custard, cool in refrigerator.


Spoon custard into shell.  Top with rhubarb.  Spoon glaze over rhubarb (see below).




1 cup red currant jelly

1/3 cup raspberry liqueur


Heat jelly and liqueur together so the glaze is thin enough to be spooned over fruit.