Using equal parts water and white wine, add any other seasonings you prefer.  Bring to boil.  Add salmon and bring to simmer.  Eight ounces of  dense fish will take 10 minutes to poach.






1 cup creme fraiche OR 1/2 cup fish stock*

3 cups whipping cream         

2 cups heavy cream

1 quart fish stock *              

1 c. gooseberry puree


Cook in uncovered saucepan on medium to reduce by half or till sauce can coat a spoon.


Add: 3/4 cup gooseberry puree

                1 heaping Tblsp fresh dill

              1 Tblsp wind dried salmon (from Lilliutte                            Indians)

              Salt and pepper to taste


* Fish stock made from halibut bones, leeks, equal parts water and white wine (sparkling wine even better).  Reduce from 2 gallons to 1 quart