1 cup sugar

1 pint water

1 cinnamon stick

4 cloves

1 tsp. grated orange peel

6 pears, ripe but firm

1 cup port, tawny or ruby


In saucepan just large enough to take the pears comfortably, mix sugar, water, cinnamon, cloves and orange peel. Bring to simmer & cool.


Peel pears, leaving the stem intact. Cut a bit off the bottom so that will stand upright in pan and serving dish. Leave them set in bowl covered with mild salt water or stay-fresh till ready to cook.


Drain pears and place them in sugar syrup pan, upright. Add port and bring the whole to a gentle boil. Turn to simmer and cover.  Cook till pears are tender but still a bit firm, about 15 minutes.


Serve each pear upright in small dish. You might put a puddle of port broth in the bottom of the dish and garnish with dollop of whipped cream.