5 Tblsp butter

2 shallots


Sauté in butter till translucent. Season with bay leaves, thyme and rosemary.


Bring to boil:

2 cups heavy cream

½ cup brandy

½ cup Madeira

2 cups chicken stock.

Cook until reduced by one half.



1 dozen egg yokes

¼ tsp salt

¼ tsp pepper


Beat until it makes a ribbon (a few minutes).

Add 1 lb cepe mushrooms, sliced (may use Bolentus, porcini, etc.)

Beat in 2 Tblsp flour (will keep from scrambling when cooked).


Add half of cooked cream mixture to egg yolks to temper. Then add to remaining cream in sauce pan, stirring continuously over low heat till thickened (180 degrees plus or minus.)