12 small macaroons

6 Tblsp Grand Marnier liqueur

½ cup milk

1 (1-inch) piece vanilla pod or 1 tsp vanilla extract

¼ cup butter

1/3 cup all-purpose flour

½ cup sugar

1 ¼ cups half & half cream

3 egg yolks, lightly beaten

6 egg whites, stiffly beaten

½ cup whipping cream

1 Tblsp confectioners’ sugar


Arrange macaroons in shallow dish; sprinkle with 4 Tblsp Grand Marnier. Let soak 10 minutes or till soft. Remove with spatula; spread over bottom of buttered and lightly sugared 6 or 7 inch soufflé dish.

Scald milk with vanilla pod; remove from heat. Remove vanilla pod. Dry; store for future use. If using vanilla extract, add after scalding milk.

Melt butter in top of double boiler. Stir in flour to make smooth paste. Add milk and sugar alternately; stir constantly to keep smooth paste. Pour in half & half gradually; stir constantly till smooth and creamy. Remove from heat. Pour about ¼ of hot mixture slowly into egg yolks; stir constantly. Stir egg yolks into hot mixture. Add 1 Tblsp Grand Marnier; mix well. Cool mixture. Thoroughly fold in ¼ of egg whites, using wire whisk. Add remaining egg whites; fold in thoroughly but carefully. Pour over macaroons in soufflé dish.


Bake: 425 degree oven 25 to 30 minutes or till soufflé has puffed and browned.


While soufflé is baking, whip cream with confectioners’ sugar till soft peaks form. Beat in 1 Tblsp Grand Marnier.


Remove soufflé from oven; serve immediately with dollop of whipped cream. Each serving can be sprinkled with confectioners’ sugar, if desired.


Yield:  6 servings