2 ½  cups flour

1 cup shortening

1 tsp salt

1 egg yolk + milk


Combine flour, salt, cut in shortening.  Beat egg yolk in

measuring cup & add enough milk to make 2/3 cup liquid.

Mix well & stir into flour mixture.


1 cup corn flakes

¾ - 1 cup sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

1 egg white

8 – 10 tart apples, pared, sliced (about 8 cups)


On floured surface, roll half of dough to 12 X 17

rectangle.  Place in jelly roll pan (15 ½ X 10 ½ X 1).

Sprinkle with corn flakes, top with apples.  Combine

sugar and cinnamon, sprinkle on top of apples.  Roll

remaining  dough to 15 ½ X 10 ½  rectangle.  Place

over apples.  Seal edges, cut slits in top.  Beat egg white

till frothy, brush on crust.


BAKE:  375, 50 min.  Drizzle glaze on warm bars.