1 recipe of double crust pie crust


Prepare ahead and keep covered till ready to use.


Filling:  2 Lb chuck steak or roast, diced

              4 Lb potatoes, diced or sliced

              1 medium onion, diced

              1 rutabaga, diced or sliced

              salt and pepper

              butter or margarine


Divide pastry into four portions, rolling each one out to 7-8”

Place cup or more of filling in center of pastry round.  Dot top of filling with bits of butter or margarine.  Paint outer edge of each round with cold water.  Fold edges together crimping into an upstanding edge.  Trim excess pastry with knife. Fold crimped edge over to seal.


BAKE:  400 for half hour, 350 for half hour or till nicely brown.


Serve with ketchup or gravy.  Coleslaw goes well with pasties.