5 large eggs

1 ½ cups sugar

1 ½ Tblsp fresh lemon juice

½ tsp almond flavoring

2 Tblsp almond liqueur

3 cups flour

1 ½ tsp baking powder

½ tsp salt

4 cups finely chopped almonds

1 cup whole almonds

1 egg, lightly beaten


Beat eggs and sugar till mixture is pale yellow and ribbons form. Stir in lemon juice and almond flavorings. Add sifted dry ingredients and blend till incorporated. Add chopped almonds, stir till thoroughly mixed. Add whole almonds, stir by hand.


Divide dough onto two buttered (or parchment) cookie sheets. Flour hands and form dough into 3 x 14 inch logs. Brush logs with egg wash.


BAKE:  350 degree for 30 minutes or till golden brown. Remove from                 oven and allow to cool for 15 minutes. Cut diagonally with           serrated knife. Return cookies to oven and toast in 250               degree oven for 30 minutes, turning once.


Store in airtight container.


Julie Erven