Our 2015 European Adventure

Thursday, 6.11.2015

At 11:30 a.m., dad and Lil and Lynn picked me up from work. We had lunch at the Southcenter Red Robin and then we were off to Sea-Tac for a 5:30 p.m. flight to Frankfurt. We arrived at 1:00 p.m. the next day and then had a 3 hour layover before our flight to Amsterdam. While at the Frankfurt airport we had a traditional German meal of chop salad (Lynn), somethingwurst and sauerkraut (Dave) and a bottle of Riesling. Back on an airplane and we were in Amsterdam at 5:30 p.m.

Johnny (Lynn’s nephew) was there to meet us at the terminal before we got lost. We picked up our checked luggage and a prepaid SIM card for my phone (Europe plan with minutes and texting, no data) and we were ready to go. It was about a one and a half hour drive from Amsterdam to the Rowland home in Huissen (“Hooooossen”) including a stop at the “Yumbo” (spelled Jumbo) market for dinner stuff and wine. WOW!!! Good French wine for $3 - $4 per bottle. It’s good to be in Europe.

At their house I met Nicole and we both met their two sons Andrew and Lucas. Classic line for the day, “Hi. I’m Lucas and this is my brother Andrew.” Great kids. Andrew is smart and quiet while Lucas is pure firecracker with never ending energy. We have Andrew’s room and Lucas gave us his “jetlag buster bear” to help with our transition (it always helps him).

We ate some cheese, meats, fruit, bread and wine for dinner and talk a bunch. at about 10:00 p.m. we are done for the day.