Christmas 2017

It's the most wonderful time of the year! So says the song. Perhaps we lean a little more to the more recent song, "I need a silent night". But, better busy than bored so let's see what this year held.

Rotary continued to be an important part of our lives. Lynn continued to attend weekly meetings of the Shoreline club, helping out in numerous ways. But her three-year term as assistant district governor ended at the end of June so now she will chart a new course of involvement beyond her club service. We had a chance to see the global reach of Rotary when we attended the Rotary International conference in Atlanta this June. With nearly 40,000 other Rotarians we heard Bill Gates, Kasim Reed (the mayor of Atlanta), Nathan Deal (the governor of Georgia), James Quincey (the CEO of Coca-Cola) and numerous other dignitaries and folks making a difference.

One of the most exciting and challenging speakers we heard was a young lady named Minda Dentler. She was born in India, afflicted with polio, abandoned to an orphanage but then adopted by a family in Spokane, Washington. She is now married, has a daughter, completed the Kona Ironman competition and is working around the world with Rotary to end polio. And of course, while we were in Atlanta we got to spend time with our own inspiring young lady, Erin.

Along with attending the District 5030 conference in Portland, Oregon this spring Lynn got to go to Reno for additional Rotary training in November. The opportunities to help are endless as Rotary does so much at the local, national and international level.

For our leisure and social activities, we are increasingly involved in the Edmonds Yacht Club. We became the Fleet Captain and First Mate in June of this year, responsible for coordinating the cruise activities of the club. The first one we were responsible for was the Fourth of July cruise to Lopez Island. Fortunately, this was all prepared by our predecessor, so we just went along for a good time and enjoyed wonderful friends and food.

Then we began working on the Labor Day cruise to Port Ludlow. The theme was "red neck boaters" and we had an amazing response from the club. Folks dressed in character (blacking out a few teeth along the way), we ate our fill of good southern food (biscuits and sausage gravy, brisket, pulled pork) and even had some red neck beer (Rainier and PBR, for example).

In addition to the formal cruises, we had a couple of casual cruises to local destinations. July was a trip to Bell Harbor in downtown Seattle and we celebrated Octoberfest in Kingston (we hopped a ride on the State provided green and white boat). Then came the big push of the year, Holiday on the Docks. A weekend in December filled with decorated boats in the Edmonds Marina (in front of Anthony's restaurant); a TGIF night with 25 different soups made by club members plus salad and desserts; a semi-formal prime rib dinner on Saturday with a DJ and dancing and then 56 kids plus their families gathered to receive their gifts from Santa and Mrs. Claus at a Sunday morning brunch.

That's how to kick off the holidays! We must be enjoying ourselves as we have signed up to "go through the chairs", which means we will continue on the bridge as rear commodore, vice-commodore and then commodore (and first mate). See, better busy than bored.

For relaxation we spent a week in the San Juans with just us and Abigail. And, we're happy to report, we enjoyed ourselves. It was a very relaxing week but of course, too short. And we did get crab. Plus, a surprise visit from Uncle Dave and Terri. And for our other week away we went to Nuevo Vallarta for sunshine, beaches, pools, massages, food and beverages. You gotta love the all-inclusive experience. As they say, "menus without numbers". This year was just us, next year will be with all the kids.

Speaking of kids, a few new developments. The most recent announcement (as pictured on our Christmas card) was the wedding of Kimberly to Cory Kocher. What a fine young man and great addition to our family. And a whale of a party/reception with so many friends and family. Plus, we got a visit from Tom and Deanna and a chance to catch up. And in the midst of the wedding Kim and Cory got new neighbors and Tim and Meghan bought a house in North Bend just minutes from Kim and Cory's house. At least when we make the drive we get to see two kids and spouses.

Speaking of drives and visiting, Jess and Kyle made it a little harder to visit them. In August Kyle transferred within Boeing to Charleston, South Carolina. And after about three weeks, Lynn went to visit and to help them get settled in their new house. It looks like she'll be back again in late March or early April of next year as they are expecting a daughter about that time. Erin moved but still within Atlanta and Ben and Jen (and Ellison) are still in Seattle which makes it much easier for Lynn to continue watching Ellison a few days a week.

And on the four-legged family news, we lost "our" (really Lynn's) cat of 14 years, Princess Mu Shu May Ling in March. After a suitable period of grieving we made a drive across the pass to Wenatchee and brought home a little blue point Siamese kitten we named Pinot Meow. For a while it seemed like we were new parents as she had so much energy and would run around the house in the middle of the night. Fortunately (for us and her), I think she's starting to settle down a bit. But she is having to learn that the Christmas tree is not her climbing post. Perhaps next year we'll even try taking her on the boat. We'll have to see how Abigail reacts to that as the boat has been her sole territory.

We continue to perform music wherever and whenever we are given the chance and are active in our church on a regular basis. Dave's still at King County watching friends retire with great envy. Someday...

We love company so if you're in the Seattle area give us a holler. We may be busy, but we are always happy to see friends and family.

Here's to whatever 2018 has in store!

Dave & Lynn Cheeney